Main Diet :
We suggest using the Mazuri Rat Pellets/Blocks ( that is what we use here at Dandelion Critters ).
If you cannot find it, we would suggest Harlan Teklad ( Envigo ) 2018 Rat Pellets or Science Selective Rat Food Pellets .
Rats do not need mineral blocks, salt blocks, or hay.
Think of providing your rat with chew toys ( apple wood, kiln dried pine, aspen, lava ledges (pumice blocks) ).
We use Homemade dry Mix made but IglooRats as healthy enriching treats!
Apples - make sure to remove the seeds (toxic).
Peaches - make sure to remove the pit (toxic).
Applesauce - ideally unsweetened. Avoid giving too much of it (diarrhea).
Cucumber and Lettuce - Avoid giving too much of it (diarrhea).
Apricots, Blackberries, Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Yellow Bananas, Broccoli, Cantaloupe, Carrots, Cashew, Cauliflower, Cherries, Cranberries, Grapes, Kale, Kiwi, Melons, Papaya, Parsley, Pears, Peas, Plums, Pomegranates, Walnuts, Watermelon,
Pumpkin - flesh is fine, seed in moderation (fat).
Dried : Cranberries, Bananas, Rolled Oats, Nature Cereals, Mushrooms,
Yogurt Drops
Oatmeal Cookies
Cheese and Yogurt - Only very small amounts.
Cooked : Meats, Butternut Squash, Eggs, Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Mac'n'cheese, Squash,
Cold Cut Meats
Popsickles - have fun experimenting with fresh ingredients from this list!
Pasta - dried and cooked is fine.
Rice - brown is best!
Chicken Bones
Low Protein Dog Food
Small Dog Treats
Fruit, Veggies and Meat Baby Food
Mealworms - live or dried.
Blue Cheese - the mold in it is toxic to rats.
Green Bananas - inhibits starch-digesting enzymes.
Green Potato Skin and Eyes - contain solanine, a toxin.
Onions - These can cause anemia and give rats upset stomachs.
Licorice - suspected to cause neurological poisoning in a rat.
Orange Juice - forbidden for male rats only, the d-limonene in the skin oil can cause cancer.
Mango - also forbidden for male rats only, due to the d-limonene in the flesh.
Raw Artichokes - inhibits protein digestion.
Raw Tofu or Meat - can contain bacteria (cooked is fine).
Raw Dry Beans or Peanuts - contains anti-nutrients that destroy vitamin A and enzymes needed to digest protein and starches and causes red blood cells to clump (cooked is fine).
Raw Red Cabbage and Brussels Sprouts - contains anti-nutrient that destroys thiamin (cooked is fine).
Raw Sweet Potato - contains compounds that form cyanide in the stomach (cooked is fine).
Avocado skin and pit - toxic to rats (the flesh is fine).
Rhubarb - contains high levels of oxalate.
Sticky foods - poses a choking hazard. (Peanut butter can be "cut" with jam or honey to make it more liquid, and reduce the possibility of choking).
Wild Insects - can carry internal parasites and diseases.
Carbonated beverages - Rats can't burp, so drinking it can cause severe bloating.
Dried corn - Contains fungus known to cause cancer in rats, so limit the amount you give them.
Some fresh corn is ok in moderation.