Care Information
Main Diet :
We suggest using the Mazuri Rat Pellets/Blocks ( that is what we use here at Dandelion Critters ).
If you cannot find it, we would suggest Harlan Teklad ( Envigo ) 2018 Rat Pellets or Science Selective Rat Food Pellets .
Rats do not need mineral blocks, salt blocks, or hay.
Think of providing your rat with chew toys ( apple wood, kiln dried pine, aspen, lava ledges (pumice blocks) ).
We use Homemade dry Mix made but IglooRats as healthy enriching treats!
Bedding :
We recommend using Aspen Shavings or Kiln Dried Pine Shavings.
If you have access to it ; Hemp bedding, Sani-Chips.
You can also safely use Fleece Covers *if changed every other day.
Be careful with Paper Based bedding ( carefresh, cozy, etc. ) as they can be very dusty,
even if the package say dust free. They also offer no ammonia control at all.
Avoid at all cost :
Cedar Shavings, Pine Shavings & Any "soft wood" Shavings that are not kiln dried.
Cages :
Some good cages you can find online or at your local pet store ;
- Midwest Critter Nation
- Midwest Ferret Nation (avoid for Dwarf rats, bars too wide)
- You & Me Rat Manor Habitat (cover the shelves and ramps with fleece)
- Prevue Rat & Chinchilla Cage
- Prevue Feisty Ferret Cage (avoid for Dwarf rats, bars too wide)
Avoid any of those smaller cages marketed for rats, most are not big enough for rats.
If you plan in getting more rats, please have a spare cage for proper quarantine time and to be safe if the introductions are inconclusive!
Accessories :
Any shapes, any sizes, any colors, just make sure the entry for pockets and cubes are big enough!
Rats loves to climb! Just make them thick enough ( fabric or those bird ropes ) and don't place them too high!
Classic cat toys, rats love to carry them around, and sometimes even play fetch.
Litter Box
Rats can be trained! Just put all the poos in it for a few days, and put a medium flat rock in it ( "pee rock" )!
Water Bottle
The pretty obvious one. Glass is the best, as it is easier to clean and chew proof!