Best rat of JUNE 2020
The award goes to Tyrion!
For overcoming his shyness and now begging to come out for cuddles and treats like all the other boys.
He knows how to melt hearts with his tiny self and his big eyes!

Worst rat of JUNE 2020
The award goes to Lettuce!
Always the one to escape the cage and then look at us from the top of it.
She do let us pick her up however!
( Let us out )

Best rat of JULY 2020
The award goes to Nugget!
For always wanting to be picked up and making himself completely limp each time, and of course, tucking his little back legs against his belly like a well mannered boy.

Worst rat of JULY 2020
The award goes to Joe!
Not seeing the cage door is open and flying out all limps spread out like a flying squirrel and landing directly on my foot. Then looking up at me with confusion.

Best rat of AUGUST 2020
The award goes to Vegeta!
For refusing treats ( yogies, veggies, meat, even eggs! ) and instead crawling in our hand and wanting to hang out.

Worst rat of AUGUST 2020
The award goes to THE GIRLS!
For team working at distracting us while they come pick billion treats to stash them in a hammock, then acting innocent.

Best rat of SEPTEMBER 2020
The award goes to Goku!
For accepting his fate of getting cuddles by having a deep sigh instead of trying to escape or wriggle away. Bonus points for being the biggest boy with over 600g!

Worst rat of SEPTEMBER 2020
The award goes to Kamilla!
For sneaking into the trash can while the big cage was being cleaned and almost getting tossed away!

Best rat of OCTOBER 2020
The award goes to Lettuce!
For being such a good mama and taking on helping the dwarf girls with their babies and making sure everyone had everything they needed, as well as teaching such good manner to every baby!

Worst rat of OCTOBER 2020
The award goes to Salsa!
For trying to eat my foot no matter what. More prey drive than a hunting dogs, but only for feet! But get an award for being the most cuddly little creature.

Best rat of NOVEMBER 2020
The award goes to Tyrion!
Our sweet boy who sadly left us following respiratory failure caused by the SDAv.
We will never forget him, and for that, and being the amazing boy he was, he wins without doubt our best rat award.

Worst rat of NOVEMBER 2020
The award goes to Chilli!
For always trying to escape no matter what whenever we open the cage door. She is our little escapist and always trying to go explore everywhere she doesn't belong to.

Best rat of DECEMBER 2020
The award goes to Pretzel!
Most loving, cuddle addicted boy I've witnessed in many years of breeding rats. This boy always wait by the cage and deeply stare at us until we give him love, no matter what we do.

Worst rat of DECEMBER 2020
The award goes to Aoki!
Stealing ALL the cornbread and trying to stuff a whole muffin sized piece in his mouth by some kind of unholy way before dropping it in crumbs on the floor and panicking about it on the edge of the cage.

Best Rat of the year : Tyrion (RIP)
Worst Rat of the year : Aoki
Special mention to THE GIRLS : For making us look like irresponsible owners by squishing themselves in 1 hammock/sputnik when they have more than 6 to go into.

Best rat of FEBRUARY 2021
The award goes to Popcorn!
For having her first babies and making her nest the closest possible to the front for us to see, licking our hands and proudly insisting on us meeting her children.

Worst rat of FEBRUARY 2021
The award goes to Chichi!
For escaping her maternity cage, somehow, and toppling over her cousin's maternity cage. BEANS EVERYWHERE.
( Everybody is ok, it wasn't high, phew )

Best rat of MARCH 2021
The award goes to Plague!
This boy is addicted to love and cuddles. He will forfeit everything, even the best treats, to run into our arms and instantly pancake, no questions asked!

Worst rat of MARCH 2021
The award goes to Shiro!
Stealing all the cornbread from his old dad and old uncle! We could say cornbread addiction run deep into that family because they'll do everything for a single crumb!
Best rat of APRIL 2020
The monthly award this time goes to Dave Von Wrinkles, who perfectly learned the art of the litter box, come get treats and is just a big snuggle boy!

Worst rat of APRIL 2020
The monthly award goes to Aoki, who still, even thought he goes potty in his litter box, pees on his shelves while looking at us in the eyes right after we wipe them off!

Best rat of MAY 2020
The monthly award goes to Carol!
This little girl of 4 weeks old is already the most friendly little creature ever, always running for the door and ignoring treats to come cuddle us instead! LOVE SPONGE.

Worst rat of MAY 2020
The monthly award goes to Eve!
Sitting on her lava ledge shelf, she peed through the bars while I was cleaning the bottom unit of the cage!
Pee shower!